Environmental asbestos sampling and inspection information
Thank you for inquiring about NAL East Environmental Services for an asbestos inspection in a property that you are involved with. Our standard asbestos inspection includes a complete visual inspection of all areas of concern. Included are up to four (4) bulk samples taken by our State Certified Asbestos Investigators and EPA Certified Asbestos Inspectors to determine if there is asbestos containing materials (ACM) present in the sampled materials. Discounted pricing for Attorneys, Banks, Mortgage Companies, Property Management Companies and Realtors is $895.00, which includes the inspection, the sampling, copies of the pictures, a written results report explaining your sample results with recommendations and the laboratory results charts. If you are only concerned with one material, same color and texture, then only two (2) samples need to be taken at $695.00. If you are concerned with asbestos being present in the water, a water sample can be conducted for $895.00 per sample.
Once the sampling is completed, they are sealed, labeled, double bagged and sent to an independent laboratory, EMSL. If the results are positive, a full scope of what work needs to be done, if any, will be written for you once we have the results to guide us. If the results are 1% or less, no special precautions are needed.
Asbestos has the potential to cause adverse health effects as exposure time increases. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
Within 24 hours, you will receive a comprehensive report of the Environmental Consultants’ findings during the inspection, as well as an analytical report written by the laboratory stating if asbestos was present and at what levels and what kind. You will receive copies of all pictures taken and each picture will be labeled exactly where it is. The laboratory results will tell us exactly what kind of asbestos is present and at what percentage. Additional sampling, if needed can also be conducted at the discounted rate as well.
Also included are step-by-step guidelines for the clean-up or removal of the asbestos using EPA and New Jersey Department of Health regulated guidelines. If you are leasing a property, the landlord is responsible for whatever is detected. If no asbestos is detected, you will be provided with a certified certificate stating so.
For air sampling, if you are sampling for a state post clearance certificate, the price is $3,895.00, which includes five (5) TEM air samples and one (1) blank to determine if the asbestos fibers are airborne. If you are only concerned with one (1) area, two (2) samples can be conducted for $1,795.00. A single sample in one (1) area can be conducted for $895.00. However, realtor discounted pricing has been approved for you at $695.00 per sample which includes results report, laboratory results charts and certificate indicating that NO asbestos was detected.
The Transmission Electron Microscopy method will be used to analyze the samples. The Transmission Electron Microscopy ( TEM ) – TEM is more complex than PCM or PLM, and it uses a more sophisticated analytical instrument. TEM can distinguish between asbestos and non-asbestos fibers and asbestos types.
It can be used at higher magnifications, enabling identification of smaller asbestos fibers than can be seen by other techniques. This is the most accurate method.
If airborne asbestos fibers are detected, a full scope of what work needs to be conducted and how to conduct it will be supplied for you using all state and federal guidelines. If the laboratory results are acceptable, a certificate will be provided stating no asbestos was detected in the areas sampled.
Asbestos has the potential to cause adverse health effects as exposure time increases. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
Each sample is conducted using a high-volume air pump that draws in ten (10) liters of air per minute. We need a total of one thousand and two hundred (1,200) liters so the samples are conducted for two (2) hours. Once the sampling is complete, the samples are sealed and sent to an independent laboratory. You will have your full in-depth report within twenty-four (24) hours.
You will receive a comprehensive report of the Environmental Consultants’ findings during the inspection, as well as an analytical report written by the laboratory stating if asbestos fibers are present in the air. Also included are step-by-step guidelines for the clean-up or removal of the asbestos using EPA regulated guidelines. If no asbestos is detected, you will be provided with a certified certificate stating so.
We work closely with abatement companies, attorneys, banks, builders, insurance companies, mortgage companies, property managers, realtors and schools in addition to many state and federal agencies. We get you the important information that you are looking for to determine if there is an issue or not.
Asbestos is not always an immediate hazard. In fact, if asbestos can be maintained in good condition, it is recommended that it be left alone and periodic surveillance performed to monitor its condition. It is only when asbestos containing materials (ACM) are disturbed or the materials become damaged that it becomes a hazard. When the materials become damaged or disturbed, the fibers separate and may then become airborne. If you are conducting remodeling or renovations, sampling is extremely important before any work is conducted.
NAL East only uses IAQA Council Certified Consultants and EPA Certified AHERA Asbestos Inspectors. Our consultants go through constant schooling and certification updating throughout the year. All inspections are strictly confidential and coded for privacy. Payment is due at the conclusion of the inspection.