NAL East Is Council Certified for Testing and Conducts the Inspection and Testing With No Conflict of Interest. Home Advisor/Angi Has Awarded Us the Highest Rating Testing Company.

We have no conflict of interest like most companies have. We are not Remediators, Duct Cleaners or Contractors.  We are certified to conduct Residential & Commercial Inspections including Indoor Air Quality Testing, such as Mold, Asbestos, Lead, Radon VOC’s and Allergens. We work closely with Attorneys, Banks, Builders, Contractors, Property Buyers & Sellers, Insurance Companies, Mortgage Companies, Property Managers, Realtors, Remediation Companies and many State and Federal Agencies. We conduct Post Remediation Assessment to make sure clean-up was conducted correctly. We have no conflict of interest. All Inspectors carry a minimum of three (3) Council Certified Certifications, not certifications that you get on the internet. All Inspectors are Certified by the American Indoor Air Quality Council (AIAQC) and the American Council for Accredited Certifications (ACAC).  All results & reports within 12-24 hours.

NAL East will conduct a complete, in-depth inspection of the property which includes a complete visual inspection of the entire property including every room, cabinet, closet, HVAC system, attic, crawlspace and garage or just the areas that you are concerned with. NAL East will include a minimum of three (3) samples, usually air samples using high volume air pumps to determine what’s present inside the property and at what levels.  Other sampling methods can be used based on what’s observed on-site. A Moisture meter can be used on the walls, ceilings and floors to determine if any moisture is hidden inside those areas. Pictures are taken and you will get a copy of those pictures with your microbial results report.

Our sample results will tell us if the levels detected inside the property are considered acceptable, low, slightly elevated, highly elevated or extremely elevated. Our results will list each individual species that is detected and at what levels. The air samples will tell us anything that we can’t see. In addition, our sample results will report the levels of Background Debris, Fibrous Particulates as well as Insect Fragment levels and Skin Cell Fragment levels. The samples are submitted to EMSL Analytical, a fully accredited nationwide Laboratory. One outdoor air sample establishes a baseline for the comparative evaluation of the indoor samples. 

Since your inspection and results report are conducted by Certified Indoor Environmentalists, Certified Mold Remediator Supervisors and Microbiologists, the certified results are acceptable by most financial and governmental agencies, if you need that. If issues are detected, your results report will include a full scope of what work needs to be conducted and exactly how to conduct it based on your results and your visual inspection which will help guide the remediators (whoever is doing the work) into conducted the proper remediation based on scientific, certified documentation (results report). If it is not in our scope, then the work is not needed. This protects you for remediation.

A comprehensive results report explaining your visual inspection and laboratory results report in-depth will be provided within 12 to 24 hours which will give you guidance on what the next step is if you need one. 

If you are trying to determine if there is an indoor air quality issues inside your property, an inspection by a Certified Indoor Environmentalist is an important step. Sampling helps determine if the indoor air quality is an issue or not and the sampling tells us everything that we can’t see during the visual inspection. If you may have an insurance claim, we will guide you every step of the way until your claim is resolved.

If you are seeing a Physician due to unexplained health issues, you will certainly want to share your results with them because now they will know what you have been exposed to which should help treating your issues.

Our company was awarded the Angi/Home Advisor Inspection Company of The Year for the 4th year in a row and we are the highest rated TESTING ONLY COMPANY with no conflict of interest. 

We inspect each property like it’s our own!  If you have any questions, we can be reached anytime at (877) 665-3837. We are opened 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No other company in DE, NJ. NY. or PA, have the certifications that we have. We are fully certified for testing and that’s all we do. We have NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST like many companies. That is why we are the preferred vendor for many state and federal agencies. Don’t get stuck using the wrong company with certifications that they got on-line that won’t be able to help you. We help everyone. 

Whether you live in the property, are buying one or selling one, a renter or landlord, just trying to find out if there are issues inside the property, going through insurance or preparing for a possible legal case, we help everyone from start to finish. Keep in mind almost every property has issues, it’s just a question of what present and at what levels. We can especially help you if you think that you are having an indoor air quality health issue.

NAL East currently follows the guidelines set forth by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), the Delaware Department of Environmental Protection (DEDEP), the Maryland Department of Health (MDDOH), the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDEP), the New York City Department of Health (NYCDOH), the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP), the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (CALOSHA).

At NAL East, we offer comprehensive and innovative environmental services for residential, commercial and governmental facilities. We offer affordable services like inspections, reporting, assessments and samplings to give you a peace of mind. When you choose NAL East, you’re working with Tri-State’s best; our fully certified inspectors will be with you every step of the way, ensuring you, your family and your home are protected from environmental hazards in your property. 

IT’S  NOT IN  YOUR HEAD,  IT MAY BE BEHIND  YOUR WALLS, INSIDE YOUR  CEILINGS AND/OR UNDERNEATH  YOUR FLOORS. It’s what you  can’t see that may be the concerning  part but we will determine what that is with our certified sampling with laboratory  results.